A week of Nora

Nora was born 5-24-2022. Here’s a week in the life of a newborn in our big family.

May 25. When Fisher tried to hold Nora the day before, she cried and then he cried. It took a full 24 hours for him to try again. Now he sings to her, holds her, and kisses her all day long.
5-26. Nora’s first bath. Check out that precious robe and slippers.
5-26. Sweet baby girl. 2 days old.
5-27. First trip in her carseat at 3 days old. We both saw the chiropractor. My hip, tailbone, and si joint were all a mess. I felt SO much better after my appointment.
5-27. It’s hard to snap a pic of these guys, but isn’t this precious! My teens and my youngest.
5-29. Snug as a bug in a rug. 5 days old.
5-30. There is always a line of siblings waiting to hold and love on Nora. Jubilee loves her sister.
Meridian was made for this! She is so good with Nora. I have so many pictures of Meridian holding her all throughout the day.

5-31. My first born, Abraham, and my youngest, Nora.

6/1 We made it to church for Wednesday night service. Our first time out of the house as a family of 9!
6/2. Benton is all about babies. He sits and waits for her to wake up so he can snuggle her. She is so blessed with many hands to hold and love on her.

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13 Replies to “A week of Nora”

  1. Such sweet pictures of everyone loving on her. Congrats on your baby girl 🥰

      1. Love the pics !!! I know everyone is having fun with baby Nora. Reminds me so much of growing up in a large family. We were always very excited to have a new sibling to arrive. My poor Mom hardly ever got a turn to cuddle and play. Ha ! ❣️

  2. Love seeing the pictures of your growing family! Baby Nora is beautiful. Congratulations. 🥰

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