Whew!!! Is this heat getting to you? It has been SO hot these past 2 days. We chose to spend the morning swimming at my parents. (Sweet Nora is 3 weeks old today!!) Be sure to scroll down and check out the patriotic braid- perfect for July 4!! Did you miss my post from yesterday? You can see more of our new patriotic releases here- https://bunchofbrowns.com/stars-stripes-for-festive-summer-styles/
Chomping at the bit to take advantage of the sale?? I appreciate it when you shop with me. http://www.LillaRose.biz/JanaBrown
Can’t wait to shop??? We do a happy dance every time you shop with me. http://www.LillaRose.biz/JanaBrown
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We LOVE to hear from YOU!!! Tell us what you think of the Hair Mascara- Is it something you’d try?