Freezer Cooking

In preparation for Sonora’s arrival, Meridian and I assembled 7 Instant Pot freezer meals. I love to find freezer meal plans with grocery shopping lists on Pinterest. I’ve used multiple of these free resources in the past for slow cookers, but this is my first time making Instant Pot freezer meals.

Meridian was a huge help! She opened all the cans, helped chop veggies, and put the ingredients in the freezer bags.
I am excited that these can go straight into the Instant Pot frozen! No need to thaw!
It took us several hours because we doubled the recipes and made a set for a friend, but at least we have some easy meals on hand.
This is one of my favorite tools in prepping freezer meals- a large oats container to put the freezer ziplock bag in. Be sure to fold the bag over the edges of the container to keep all of the ingredients inside the bag and to keep the tops of your bags nice and clean so they close well.

Freezer Prep Tips:

  1. Double bag! Be sure to use Freezer gallon size bags. Assemble the meal in one bag. Fit that bag inside another Freezer gallon bag. Include the recipe or cooking instructions inside. Label with the date.
  2. Use an empty oats container (or a pitcher or similar shaped item) to hold your freezer bags while you assemble the meals. Be sure to fold the edges of the bag over the top of the container.
  3. Clearly mark your bags. Do they need to be thawed beforehand? Are there ingredients that need to be added at cooking? I use a black sharpie marker to make these notes.
  4. Be sure that freezer bags are on your shopping list!

We are so blessed with a great group of friends and family to bring meals to us… we haven’t yet cooked any of these meals that we prepped, but with Jonathan returning to work next week, I know they will come in handy. If you want to see the free Instant Pot meal plan we used, here is the link–

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Have you made freezer meals yet?

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